git – Michele Born Front-end developer Mon, 19 Feb 2024 00:19:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 git – Michele Born 32 32 230821308 Github Page Thu, 12 Oct 2023 04:15:15 +0000 It is still possible to host a personal website/portfolio on GitHub Pages that is publicly accessible at This feature has been and continues to be popular among developers and other GitHub users.

I am only ever on github once in a blue moon. However, I don’t like it one bit when my user page is just blank. So, I took the time to actually put something in there and I am leaving a few notes-to-self here – because there might be another 3 years before I’m in there again.

Create a New Repository:

Go to GitHub and create a new repository.

The repository name must be where username is your GitHub username.

Add Content:

Clone the repository to your computer.

git clone

Navigate to the repository directory.


Add an index.html file (or a Jekyll theme if you’re familiar with it). This index.html file will be the main page of your website.

Add content to the index.html.

Push to GitHub:

Add the file to git.

git add index.html

Commit the changes.

git commit -m "Initial commit"

Push the changes to GitHub.

git push origin master

Access Your Website:

And here’s what my github site looks like:

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GitHub profile README Sun, 01 Oct 2023 04:36:06 +0000 1. Set Up:
  1. Create a new repository named the same as your GitHub username (e.g., username/username).
  2. This repository should have a file. This README will be displayed on your GitHub profile page.

2. Editing Content:

  1. Go to the repository you created.
  2. Click on the file.
  3. Click the pencil icon (Edit this file).
  4. Edit the content using Markdown syntax.
  5. Describe your changes in the commit summary and description.
  6. Click “Commit changes”.

3. Viewing Changes:

Go to your GitHub profile by clicking on your profile picture on the top right corner and selecting “Your profile”. You’ll see the content of the displayed on your profile.

For both GitHub Pages and GitHub profile README, you can also use git commands (clonecommitpush, etc.) to manage and update your content if you’re familiar with the command line or use a GUI git client.

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